“Building Healthier Clubs through Biosecurity Knowledge”

Victorian Recreational Beekeepers Association

In conjunction with: TOCAL Collage, NSW

Are excited to announce training dates for the “Honey Bee Biosecurity Course”
The Geelong Tech School: The Gordon, Geelong VIC 3220


Expression of interest/hold my place

The VRBA have joined with Tocal College NSW to present the ‘Honey Bee Biosecurity Course’ to be held in Geelong at the Geelong Tech School on May 13th and 14th, this training is a part of the Certificate 3 in Beekeeping and is the corner stone of all club biosecurity representatives.


The Honey Bee Biosecurity Course will give the learners the following accreditations or national units of competencies:

AHCBEK313 Manage pests and diseases within a honey bee colony

AHCBIO305 Apply biosecurity measures

FBPOPR2066 Apply sampling procedures.


We are asking clubs to sponsor or co-sponsor club member/s to undertake this training, places are limited and will be offered to clubs first, then members of clubs and the if there are any positions remaining we will offer it to any registered beekeeper with more than 3 year experience.


We would expect that a club sponsoring a member/s doing this course that they would enter into an agreement with that club to give back somehow, preferably through hands on training of new beekeepers and/or club event presentations.


The individual/s who take up this training will have to prepare some photos/videos, including sugar shaking and lab slides before the training is undertaken as the weather and hive availability in May is unpredictable.


We will not know the exact price of the training until Tocal have finalised there costings but we expect it to be around $600 per student, we are looking at ways of bringing this price down but as an accredited course the biggest part of the cost is fixed.


Day one of the course (13th May) will be about 7 hours of training from about 9am to 5pm. Day two (14th May) will be shorter 5 -6 hours 9am to 3pm. This has been done to allow anyone attending the Pre-conference dinner time to relax and refresh before the evening’s entertainment starting at 7pm.

We are looking for sponsors for this training who would be recognised at the training and throughout all 2021 conference information, if you or your club would like to sponsor or know of a company we could approach please let us know via email. We look forward to hearing from you regarding this very important training, Tocal, VRBA and the Vic Ag team believe this training will be oversubscribed so get your application in back as soon as possible.